ARCHIMEDE maker of aquabike equipment, pool lifts for handicapped (PRM) and aquatic rehab gear
Many solutions to have aquatic activities for all persons, athletics to less active individuals from 17 year and older.
Handicap Accessibility:
All solutions offer the PRM (Person with Reduced Mobility) or disabled, an improved living environment.
Rehab in water:
All solutions provide a Person with Reduced Mobility (PRM) a physical activity in pool.
The product range is increasing. The Jointec H2D Research and Development team is formed by sport physiotherapists and engineers. The founder was an ex physiotherapist of the national French soccer team. The group regularly develops new systems in view to enlarge the field of recreational and sportive aquatic activities for private and professionnals. Moreover, the team develops systems to help PRM (Person with Reduced Mobility) to imrpove and maintain physical condition in a pool or a spa.
Jointec gears are compliant to the HANDICAP LAW.
JOINTEC is also a training Center
Archimede proposes coaching sessions for aquafit (pool bikes, elliptical bikes, treadmills, trampolines)
in order to train swimming teachers and coaches in your aquatic center all over the world.
Aquafit, what is it ?
The good advantages of aquafit
The aquabike was created in Italia in the beginning of this century. It was used by professionals in thermal therapy centers and Spas for people taking thermal water cures.
With the increase in popularity, the public market developed further in the west of Europe. It got popular due to its softer impact on the body’s joints and ligaments while improving physical condition.
With the Pool bike, new products were developped like elliptical bike, crosstrainer, treadmill, trampoline, pool dance etc.
The Aquabike is also used as a support in combination with aquagym while making different moves and exercises on and around the equipement.
Aquafitness uses both the higher density of water as well as the scinentist Archimedes principle: “every corps immerged in fluid receives from this fluid a vertical push upwards equivalents to the weight of the displaced volume”.
Moreover in activating the cellular metabolism, it limits disorders as diabetes type II, hypercholesterolemia, arterial hyper pressure, and osteoporosis.
In conclusion, the aquafitness is bringing wellness, physical capacity and health to a very large public.
Aquafit for whom?
The aquatraining is convenient to a large public at any age,
from the sportsman to the amateur and enthousiat.
In the water, it is the execution speed which regulates the resistance.
With a reduced speed, a reduced effort, With rapid speed, an intense effort.
During an aquafitness course, each one is working with his/her own capacity according to his/her physical conditions.
Consequently, the aquatraining is convenient to a large public, from the sport man or woman seeking cardio and muscle
training to the amateur and enthusiast seeking well-being and diversity. By definition it is a pleasure sport.
The non-traumatic character of the aquafitness makes it beneficial for reeducation of joints and bones after surgery.
Therefore, Archimede – aquafitness offers a wide range of specific water-based aquatic rehabilitation equipments.
Aquafit, how it works?
Archimede Aquafit proposes the basic equipments:
Aquafit might be practiced without equipment, but in order to obtain rapid results, it is preferable to use special dedicated devices.

The Archimede qualities are :
Each machine is made in marine 316L or 304 stainless steel and
equipped with a sacrificial anode for an ideal protection against corrosion
The bases of the lift and some componants are in 235S steel and protected through
hot galvanization and thermolaqued hydrofuge paint.
The motirized lift are equipped with an electrical 24 volts activator
with 2 batteries, 1 remote control and 1 wall mounted charger.
The hydraulic lifts are equipped a normal activator (capacity 1 metric tonne)
The winch lifts are equipped with an automatic anti-fall system in acordance
to the EN 360 europeen norm
Stucture has a 3 years guaranty
Machines are in accordance with handicap law
The Archimede – aquafitness devices are recommended in post-operative medicine of traumatologic – orthopedic specialties when healing permits a stay in the water