Specifications :
Actionned with an actuator 230 or 110/24 volts (capacity 1 ton)
In pressing the arrow down the seat in water (difference in eight 3ft 93in)
Permissible load 286 lb
L x l x h 22ft 11in x 29ft 6in x 3ft 11in – 77 lb
Batterie : 1 year guaranty

Base fixed on the soil with
4 wheel screws and 4 plugs
(resistance to the arrachment : 2 x 2,5 tons)
To know more about it
Tecnical contraints, safety, guaranty :
The positionning, the fixation of the plugs and the set up must be made by professional craft (macon)
The safety notices must be strictly applied (set up on a concrete type B 25 – 250 kilos ciment by cubic meter – not fissured)